Breakthrough Credit Repair

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee Is The Best In The Business If You Don't Get Results Then You Don't Pay. Period!

If We Are Not Able To Delete Negative Items From Your Credit Report And Increase Your Credit Score By At Least 100 Points Then You Don't Pay!

Click Below To Watch This Video First!

"Karl with Breakthrough Credit Repair Is The Real Deal. My Score Went Up In A few Months And Karl Got The Eviction Off My Report" -Krystal Ford



 "Emma's Credit Score Increased 230 Points!"

 "Daniel's Score Increased 125 Points!"

 "Freddy Got Results Fast!"

 "Thank's Tony we are happy for you!"

 "Let's shot for an 800 credit score jeyan!"

 "thanks jeseca !"

Spots Are Going Fast So Apply Now Before They're Filled Up!



Let's be honest.

There's a lot of credit repair companies out there and frankly, I'm tired of the misguidance.

It's not just about deleting negative items, and it's not just about increasing a person's credit score. I have over 25 years as a licensed Realtor and Mortgage Broker, and Auto Finance Manager. Many credit repair companies contacted me in the past about working with my clients with poor credit. The problem was they were just interested in deleting stuff, and marginally increasing the credit score. Right Now there are generally a few choices for credit repair.

As any lender can tell you you can have a client with a 750 credit score and another client with a 650 score and the client with the 650 score can qualify for a better home, better car, better everything because of their credit profile.

There are several artificial intelligence apps and software that promise great credit. I would be wary. As a former lender I would recommend against relying on any AI app or software as the main strategy to fix your credit. Your credit profile is too important. I would recommend using a dedicated experienced expert to help guide you through the process.

Be careful working with shady credit repair companies. They usually promise very fast deletions, but they use questionable sometimes illegal methods that don't last long term.

We do things differently than most credit repair companies. Starting off we understand we don't just need to dispute and delete stuff. We prioritize increasing our clients credit score with positive accounts and tradelines. We want to strengthen your credit profile. We provide comprehensive financial and budgeting education. We not only want you to have good credit now, but also in the future.

I believe we provide the best results in the industry. That is why we offer a double guarantee . If we don't remove negative items from your credit report and boost your credit score by at least 100 points you Pay Nothing!

Your Breakthrough Is Here Book A Call Below!

"I was so embarrassed having such bad credit. Everyone was so understanding. Breakthrough credit hooked me up" - Mr. Bates

Credit Issues Out Of The Way Now Let's Get That Free $10,000 Grant To Buy A Home!

Experience Second To None

Certified Credit Repair Specialist

Comprehensive Credit Analysis: We will review your credit report, identify negative items, and create a personalized plan to improve your credit.

  • Dispute and Removal of Negative Items: Using laws like the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), (FDCPA), other Consumer Laws and Metro 2. We will dispute inaccurate or outdated information and work to remove negative marks such as collections, charge-offs, and bankruptcies.

  • Credit Profile Enhancement: Our specialists help you build positive credit habits and establish a stronger, more appealing credit profile.

  • Personalized Credit Improvement Strategies: You’ll receive tailored advice on managing credit utilization, adding positive accounts, and improving your score.

  • Ongoing Support: We offer ongoing education and guidance to ensure you maintain good credit in the long term.

  • Faster Results: With our expert knowledge, you can achieve better credit results more quickly.

Licensed Realtor

As Realtor I can review your financial situation and help you understand how your credit affects your ability to secure a mortgage. I can recommend steps to improve your score, making you a stronger candidate for loans.

  • Personalized Home Buying Strategy: Based on your credit standing, I can advise you on the best loan options including zero down payment loans and grants and low down payment loans available, and help you develop a timeline to improve your credit in preparation for purchasing a home.

  • Financial Guidance: I can provide ongoing support and resources to ensure you maintain good credit, helping you avoid common pitfalls that can affect your long-term financial goals.

  • Faster Path to Homeownership: With the combined expertise of a Realtor and credit repair specialist, you’ll be on a more efficient path to securing a mortgage and finding your dream home.

Former Mortgage Broker

Credit Review and Mortgage Readiness: I can assess your credit report, identify areas for improvement, and explain how your score impacts your ability to secure a loan.

  • Customized Credit Repair Plan: I can guide you through strategies to dispute negative items, improve your score, and enhance your credit profile to qualify for better loan terms.

  • Access to Specialized Loan Products: I have knowledge on a wide range of loan options.

  • Financial and Credit Counseling: I can provide advice on how to improve creditworthiness through responsible credit use, budgeting, and debt management in preparation for homeownership.

  • Faster Loan Approval Process: By improving your credit, you’ll not only qualify for better loans but also speed up the approval process, putting you on the fast track to securing a mortgage.

Former Auto Finance Manager

Credit Assessment for Auto Loans: I can review your credit and explain how it affects your loan eligibility, interest rates, and financing options.

  • Tailored Credit Repair Advice: I can guide you through steps to improve your credit score, such as disputing errors or resolving negative items, to help you qualify for better loan terms.

  • Access to Flexible Financing Options: With industry connections, I can help match you with lenders that work with individuals who have credit challenges, offering more favorable financing even with a lower score.

  • Loan Structuring: I can advise you on how to improve your overall credit profile, ensuring you can afford your vehicle and build credit.

  • Long-Term Credit Improvement: By improving your credit and securing an affordable loan, I can help you rebuild your financial profile, setting you up for better credit opportunities in the future.

Former Property Manager

Credit Assessment for Rental Approval: I can review your credit report to help you understand how it impacts your rental applications and suggest ways to improve your chances of approval.

  • Guidance on Removing Negative Rental History: If past evictions or rental-related collections are affecting your credit, I can guide you through the process of disputing or negotiating these items.

  • Connections to Credit Repair Resources: I can help you remove negative items, improve your score, and enhance your rental profile.

  • Help with Second-Chance Housing: I have access to landlords and properties that offer second-chance rental opportunities for individuals with credit challenges if you need to move immediately.

  • Ongoing Support: By maintaining a good rental history and improving your credit, we can help you position yourself for future financial success and better housing opportunities.

Former Debt Collector

Expertise in Combating Other Debt Collectors’ Tactics: With insider knowledge, I understands the strategies debt collectors use to pressure consumers. I can guide you on how to counteract aggressive collection tactics, such as constant calls or intimidation techniques, ensuring you handle them with confidence and within your rights.

  • Debt Validation and Dispute Assistance: I know the laws around debt validation and can help you demand proof of any debts claimed by other collectors. If a debt is not properly validated, I can assist in disputing it and removing it from your credit report.

    • Dealing with Harassment and Unlawful Collection Practices: I can identify illegal tactics used by debt collectors and assist you in filing complaints or taking legal action under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), potentially leading to removal of negative marks.

  • Understanding What Debt Collectors Can and Can’t Do: With my insider experience, I can educate you on your rights and explain exactly what debt collectors are allowed to do when collecting debts.

    • Knowing when a debt collector is bluffing or making empty threats.

    • Preventing wage garnishments or lawsuits when laws are not followed.

"Breakthrough Credit Keeps Their Word!!"

"Karl you kept your word. I went from bad credit to great credit in only 6 months!" -Ricky Powell

"So Grateful For This!"

"Breakthrough Credit was amazing and I highly recommend them to anyone who's interested in increasing their credit score. Karl you are a great Realtor , but an even better credit repair specialist!" - The Jones Family

"Finally Bought A Home!"

"Karl Helped us with our credit issues and we were able to purchase our first home" - Jon & Barbara Kleczynski

We Offer So Much More Than Disputing Negative Items

This Is Included In Our Credit Repair Service:

  • Removing Negative Items From Credit Report

  • Credit Education

  • Personalized Financial Coaching

  • Specialized Credit- Building Products

  • Mortgage Approval Program

  • Vehicle Approval Program

  • Savings and Budgeting Education

  • Debt Collector Assistance

  • Identity Theft Protection

  • Credit Monitoring Services



  • Negative Items Will Be Removed From Your Credit Report And Your Score Will Increase By At Least 100 Points. If You Don't Get Results You Don't Pay That Is My Promise!

The President Of Breakthrough Credit Repair:

Karl (Herman) Moxley

Certified Credit Repair Specialist/Licensed Realtor/Former Mortgage Broker/Former Auto Finance Manager/Former Property Manager/Former Debt Collector



The best time to plant a tree was 40 years ago. The second best time is today.

Now is the moment you finally fix your credit and start living the life you deserve. Are you ready for your Breakthrough?

Copyright 2023 | Breakthrough Credit Repair | All rights reserved.